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  1. Social Capital and Democratic Political Engagement.

    examines the relationship of social capital with political engagement. Controlling for economic and human ...

  2. Prentice Brownbag- Special Session- Dr. Constantine Passaris- Research Affiliate, University of New Brunswick

    will enhance Canada’s economic and competitive advantage. ...

  3. Susan McDaniel Article Featured on Broadbent Institute Blog

    socio-economic historical contexts were in place at crucial ages of transition for each cohort, such as when they ...

  4. Brown Bag Lecture: A Tale of Two (Global) Cities: London, New York and the Rise of Financial Capital

    and economic factors connecting these two financial districts.   Moderator: Dr. Abdie Kazemipur, ...

  5. Multiple Swiss opportunities in migration research

    disciplines, the NCCR brings together research projects from the social sciences, economics and law. Managed ...

  6. Water governance in Canada in rural and indigenous communities

    School of Economics and Political Science where she was a Rothermere Fellow. Her upcoming book is ...

  7. The Clayman Institute offers a two-year postdoctoral fellowship

    Economics, Political Science, Psychology, and Anthropology) whose research focuses on gender with an ...

  8. Eduard Fetting

    inaugural CEO of Economic Development Lethbridge, and has been an active board member in both the private ...

  9. MS Society of Canada Research Funding Opportunities

    (e.g. understanding the social determinants of health; assessing the health economics/cost benefit ... interventions for prevention, health economic/cost benefit analysis on prevention, and defining highest risk ... understanding the social determinants of health; assessing the health economics/cost benefit analysis on MS ...

  10. Dr. Thomas Perks

    body size (height and weight) on socio-economic attainment, and how these factors affect women and men ... size (height and weight) on socio-economic attainment, and how these factors affect women and men ...