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  1. Irrigation and Water Security: The Role of Economic Instruments and Governance

    Authors: de Loe, R. and Bjornlund, H. In Esteve, Y.V.; Brebbia, C.A. and Rico, C.P Eds. Sustainable Irrigation Management, Technologies and Policies II. WIT Press, Southampton. Transaction on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 112, 35-42. ...

  2. Paid Work Between Age 60 and 70 years in Europe: A Matter of Socio-Economic Status?

    Authors: Komp, Kathrin, van Tilberg, Theo and Broese van Groenou, Marjolein International Journal of Ageing and Later Life ...

  3. The Competition for Water: Striking a Balance Among Social, Environmental and Economic Needs

    Books/Monographs/Edited Proceedings. Commentary No 302: Governance and Public Institution, C.D. Howe Institute, Toronto. ...

  4. New Wines in Old Bottles: A Brief History of the Use of Economic Incentives in Natural Resources Management.

    Authors: Bjornlund, V. and Bjornlund, H. (2011):  In Brebbia, C and Popov, V. (Eds) Water Resources Management VI. WITPress, Southampton, 573-84. ...

  5. Community and Socio-Economic Impact of Corporate Purchase of Water: Lessons from Australia.

    Authors: Edwards, J; Bjornlund, H. and Cheers, B. (2009): In Brebbia, C. And Popov, V. Eds. Water Resources Management V.  WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment (125), 303-312. ...

  6. Exploring the Importance of Lifestyle and Community Factors, Economic Factors and Environmental Issues in Farm Decision Making – A Photo Elicitation Study

    Research Report:  Authors: Edwards, J.; Bjornlund, H. and Kuehne, G. (2011): SAREC Report 2011-3 ...

  7. Water for Economic Development in the SouthGrow Region

    Industry funded report: Authors: Nicol, L.; Bjornlund, H. and Klein, K. (2009):  Report to SouthGrow regional development group. ...

  8. Water Markets in Okanagan: Equity and Economic Efficiency

    Invited papers: Paper presented to the Okanagan Water Board, May 2010. ...

  9. Balancing Social, Economic and Environmental Needs in Water Management.

    Plenary paper presented to the Conference of the Public Health Association in Australia: Water for Wellbeing, February ...

  10. Call for Abstracts for Net 2012: Network Models in Statistics, Economics and Social Sciences

    There is a call for papers for an International Conference hosted by the Faculty of Sociology, Trento, Italy, to be held November 8- 9, 2012.  Please see the following link for details. ...