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  1. Economic Assessment of Ecosystem Services

    2009- 2012- Grantor- Alberta Water Research Institute.  Dr. H. Bjornlund,  Project leader, other researchers: Professor Kurt Klein from University of Lethbridge and Professors Vic Adamovicz and Peter Boxall from University of Alberta. Funding C$473,000. ...

  2. Community and socio-economic impact of corporate purchase of water: Lessons from Australia

    Authors: Edwards, J., Bjornlund, H. and Cheers, B. In Brebbia, C. And Popov, V. Eds. Water Resources Management V.   WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment (125), 303-312. ...

  3. Social, Economic and Community Impacts of Water Markets in Australia’s Murray Darling Basin Region

    Authors: Edwards, J.; Cheers, B.; and Bjornlund, H. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 2(6), 1-10. ...

  4. Economic Assessment of Ecosystem services

    2009-12   - Invited Project Participant, Alberta Water Research Institute, Canada - ...

  5. Economic and/or Market Based Instruments to Allocate Water and Promote Conservation

    Invited plenary paper presented to the Water: Can Alberta do more with less conference organized by the Alberta Water Council, Calgary, February 2009. ...

  6. Socio-Economic Insecurity and the Global Welfare State Divide: Sociology's Contribution to Public Knowledge

    In Morato, Arturo Rodriguez, (Ed.), Sociology's Interventions in Public Debates. London, UK: Sage. ...

  7. Carbon Sequestration, Land Use Change, and Socio-Economic Impacts on Peasant Households in Rural China: A Case of Liping, Guizhou Province

    Authors: Xu, Wei, Yin, Y, and Zhou, S. Refereed Journals- Journal of Environmental Management 85 (3): 736-745. ...

  8. A Call to Action: Improving Social Cost Benefit Analysis in Potable Water Supply Systems Using Principles from Transportation Economics.

    Authors: Robak, A. and Bjornlund H. Submitted and under review:  Public Works Management & Policy ...

  9. Social, Economic and Ecological Impact of the “Grain for Green” Project in China: A Preliminary Case in Zhangye, Northwest China

    Authors: Refereed   Peng, H., Cheng, G., Xu, Z. Yin, Y. and Xu, Wei   ...

  10. Economic Instrument and Irrigation Water Management – A Comparative Study of Private and District Irrigators in Alberta, Canada

    Authors: Bjorlund H., Nicol, L. and Klein, K. In Esteve, Y.V.; Brebbia, C.A. and Rico, C.P Eds. Sustainable Irrigation Management, Technologies and Policies II. WIT Press, Southampton. Transaction on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 112, 3-14. ...