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  1. Business Plan 2003-2007

    -00.................................................................................................................................................... 25 Figure 8: Economic Impact of the University of Lethbridge, 2001 ... to have a positive economic impact, generating 1,699 jobs and injecting $123 million into the local ... adept at using communications technologies to meet a range of learning objectives, and skilled in using ...

  2. Professional Semester II Formative Assessment Form 2018

    knowledge and skills in the subject matter of lessons including his/her subject major. 2. Incorporates ... (including student IPPs), interests, and student variables such as age, gender, socio-economic status and ... student variables such as age, gender, socio-economic status, and cultural/linguistic background. 3. ...

  3. Annual Report to Alberta Advanced Education 2013-2014

    Government Accountability Act. All material economic, environmental, or fiscal implications of which we are ... of practical challenges of direct importance for social, cultural, economic, or environmental ... POTENTIAL  The University of Lethbridge introduced the Student Success Centre, which includes Study Skills ...

  4. Celebrate ideas, innovation and invention at University of Lethbridge’s Exploration Expo 2015

    visit: 30-- Contact: Trevor Kenney, News & Information ...  Expo,  visit:    -­‐-­‐  30  -­‐-­‐       Contact:     Trevor ...

  5. CBC Radio host Eleanor Wachtel to visit as featured speaker for F.E.L. Priestley Lecture Series

    works and in the classroom. To view online: 30--  Contact: Trevor ... works and in the classroom. To view online: 30-- Contact: Trevor Kenney, ...

  6. PUBlic Professor Series talk analyzes the benefits and risks of artificial intelligence

    online: 30--  Contact: Dr. Jackie ... society. To view online: 30-- Contact: ...

  7. PUBlic Professor Series goes online with new interactive features

    can also submit questions to for the “5 Questions With” segment taking ...

  8. PUBlic Professor Series talk to explore delusion and the age-old quest to find spiritual liberation

    view online: 30--  Contact: ... 30-- Contact: Dr. Hillary Rodrigues, Department of Religious Studies 403-329-5123 ...

  9. PUBlic Professor Series talk to answer questions you never thought to ask about Richardson’s ground squirrels

    PUBlic Professor Series, visit: 30--  Contact: Dr. Gail ... For more on the PUBlic Professor Series, visit: 30-- ...

  10. 2021/22 PUBlic Professor series opens by examining how to argue without being cruel

    more, visit: 30--  Contact: Dr. Katharina Stevens, Department of ... 30-- Contact: Dr. Katharina Stevens, Department of Philosophy 403-329-2159 ...