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  1. Dr. Richard Mueller

    Dr. Richard E. Mueller is a Professor of Economics, in the Faculty of Arts and Science, at ... France (2006-07).   Dr. Richard E. Mueller is a Professor of Economics, in the Faculty of Arts and ... dabbles in other labour market issues. His work has appeared in a number of economics and Canadian studies ...

  2. Art Ferrari

    University of Lethbridge, Art Ferrari acquired his bachelor of architecture degree from the University of ...

  3. Don Chandler

    University of Lethbridge, Don Chandler acquired his chartered accountant designation in 1977 and his ...

  4. New U of L study finds water issues a major concern of housing developers in the Calgary region

    challenges in acquiring water have housing developers in the Calgary region worried about the effects on ... findings was that all housing developers in the study said challenges exist in acquiring licensed water ... of times, and uncertainty around acquiring water compounds that risk,” says Nicol. “One developer ...

  5. Annual Report to Alberta Advanced Education 2005-2006

    countability Act. All material economic, environmental, or fiscal implications of which we are aware have been ... Assets...............................................................................28 Economic ... Information.........................................................26 Table 6: U of L Economic Impact, ...

  6. Joanne Williams

    Faculty of Health Sciences Skills Lab Technician Joanne Williams ...

  7. Comprehensive Institutional Plan 2013-2014 to 2015- 2016

    uncertainty; • Addressing skill shortages; • Striking a balance between economic needs and social benefit; ... guidelines, and in consideration of all policy decisions and material, economic, or fiscal implications of ... of practical challenges of direct importance for social, cultural, economic, or environmental ...

  8. Dr. Constantine Passaris recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal

    Board for the International Institute of Advanced Economic and Social Studies (Italy), recipient of the ... New Brunswick. His extensive research contributions are in the areas of population economics ... , immigration, multiculturalism, globalization,economic governance and public policy. “ see full story here ...

  9. Prentice Institute for Global Population and Economy

    human population and its potential impacts on social and economic issues, and communicating its findings ... economic environments within a historical context with particular attention to the role human actions play ... global demography and their impacts on economic well-being through migration, culture, trade and natural ...

  10. Prentice Institute Seminar: Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity Data

    Biocapacity data initiatives, and how these data can be used to relate both population and economic activities ... University Ecological Footprint Initiative, while he also teaches courses in ecological economics and ... sustainability informatics.  Eric is also a David Suzuki Fellow focussed on enhancing ecological-economic ...