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  1. The Competition for Water: Striking a Balance among Social, Environmental and Economic Needs

    Commentary No 302: Governance and Public Institution, C.D. Howe Institute, Toronto. ...

  2. The Social Cost of an Economic Boom: A Look into the Alberta's Social Capital Status

    Warren Kalbach Conference, Edmonton, Alberta. ...

  3. Is Water and Land Redistribution a Driver of Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction? Lessons from Zimbabwe

    Water International 32(2), 1-13. ...

  4. Canadian Economic Association Conference in Quebec City

    May/June 2009- Presenter ...

  5. Consumption Smoothing, Capital Controls and the Current Account: Evidence from Ghana Applied Economics

    Forthcoming- 2010 Reference: ...

  6. Changing Labor Markets and Spatial Reconfiguration of Income Inequality Under Social and Economic Transition

    Journal of Subtropical Resources and Environment (in Chinese) (accepted and forthcoming). ...

  7. Solution to our Economic Woes Lies in Boosting Wages of Workers

     Newspaper Article- Edmonton Journal. ...

  8. Charting Relationships Between Water Supply and Community Livelihood and National Economic Welfare

    2008- Proceedings from the 2008 Conference on Sustainable Engineering and Science, Auckland, December 2008. ...

  9. Social, Economic, and Community Impacts of Water Markets in Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin region

    Authors: Edwards, J., Cheers, B> and Bjornlund, H. Non-refereed conference proceedings:  Proceedings from the XIII World Water Congress in   Montpellier, France, September ...

  10. TSEs / BSE and Society: Social and Economic Impact of BSE on Communities and Settlement System in Alberta

    Authors: Townshend, I.J. and MacLachlan, I. and Baarda, L. Funded through Alberta Prion Research Institute (APRI). ...