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  1. Dr. Toupey Luft

    Counselling Psychology- Theories, Skills/Working Alliance, Interventions, Counselling Children and Youth, ... have been marginalized by virtue of many factors- including age, race, gender, and socio-economic ...

  2. Metal Shop- Safe Work Practice Manual

    deliberate. Allow yourself both the time to complete a task and the time to develop the skills necessary to ...

  3. Recent and Emerging Water Policy Reforms in Australia

    of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Conference, San Francisco, July 2005. ...

  4. Determining the Decision Making Process for Social Issue Behaviours: Inputs to Formulating Social Marketing Strategy

    Department of Economics, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta.   ...

  5. Best Management Practices to Enhance Water Quality: Who is Adopting Them?

    Agricultural and Applied Economics 41(3): 663-682. ...

  6. Alberta’s Water for Life Strategy: Some early indicators of its acceptance by the irrigation industry in Southern Alberta

    presented at the conference of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society, Montreal, May 2006. ...

  7. Consumption Smoothing, Capital Controls and the Current Account

    Dr. Alexander Darku 2010 Forthcoming-Evidence from Ghana Applied Economics. Reference: ...

  8. To Trade or Not to Trade: Decisions of Irrigators in an Early Water Market in Australia

    presented on the conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Association, Adelaide. ...

  9. The Effect of Innovation on Agricultural and Agri-food Exports in OECD Countries

    Agricultural and Resource Economics 32(3):448-461. ...

  10. CUSFTA Effects: A Joint Consideration of Trade and Multinational Activities

    and Economic Development 18(4): 487-504. ...