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  1. Socio-Economic Insecurity and the Global State Divide

    International Sociological Association   1 st Forum on Sociology, Barcelona, 5-9 September 2008 ...

  2. Carbon Squestration, Land Us Change, and Socio-Economic Impacts on Peasant Households in Rural China: A Case of Liping, Guizhou Province

    2005-  Paper pr ...

  3. Challenges in Implementing Economic Instruments to Manage Irrigation Water on Farms in Southern Alberta

    Authors: Bjornlund, H.; Nicol, L. and Klein, K. ...

  4. Water Markets – Economic Instruments to Manage Scarcity

    Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences 11(1), 11-20. ...

  5. Economic Scoping Study on Climate Change Adaptation in Alberta

    Authors: Klein, K., Anyangah, J., Bjornlund. H., Chiang, C., Grant-Kalischuk, R., Johnson. D., Le Roy, D., and Walburger, A. Industry-funded report:  Final Report to Alberta Environment.     ...

  6. Water Markets – Economic Instruments to Manage Scarcity

    Paper presented to the Water Resources Agency, Taichung, Taiwan, September 2006. ...

  7. Water for Economic Development in the SouthGrow Region

    Authors: Nicol, L.; Bjornlund, H. and Klein, K. Industry funded report: Report to SouthGrow regional development group. ...

  8. Economic Experiences and Social Integration of Immigrants in Canada

    PMC Research Symposium, Edmonton, Alberta, (invited presentation). ...

  9. Environment and Economics Meet in Water Management

    Proceedings from the Convention of the Australian Water Association The Turning Point for Water. Brisbane 8-11 May. ...

  10. Communal Farming, Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth: Conflicting Objectives in Water Management?

    Non-refereed conference proceedings: Proceedings from the XII World Water Congress, New Delhi, November 2005. CD-ROM. ...