Register for the Voice, Presence and Creative Expression workshop

Voice, Presence, and Creative Expression workshop
Enhance your creativity through an exploration of the human voice 

Register here
Registration Deadline: September 4

Drawing from the unique approach to voice and performance training practiced at the Roy Hart Voice Centre in France, this workshop will introduce participants to distinctive voice work that explores the full range and colour of the human voice, enhances personal presence, and unlocks individual creative expression.

Facilitated by Roy Hart Voice Centre teacher and French theatre artist, Viviane Gay, and University of Lethbridge Drama Professor, Douglas MacArthur.

What to expect
Each workshop session will begin with a vocal and physical warm up that explores breath, resonance spaces, and vocal range. We will investigate the internal and external sources of sound, playing with various characters in order to access the full range and colours of the human voice. Through individual and group work, we will explore the dynamic relationship between voice, body, emotion, and the impulses for creative expression.

Practical Information
Workshop Dates: September 18 - 22
Workshop Hours: Wed – Fri | 6:30 – 9:30 PM; and Sat & Sun | 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Total Hours: 21
Workshop fee: $350
Level: Open to all (18+ years)
Location: Centre for the Arts, University of Lethbridge
Enrolment is limited.


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