ENGL3800A - Creative Writing (CRN11687) - Winter 2025

How can creative writing help us understand the world around us?  Register in ENGL3800A (Creative Writing) to find out.

ENGL3800A (Creative Writing)
Instructor:  Dr. David Kootnikoff
TR 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. (CRN: 11687)

Prerequisite(s):  ENGL2880

How can creative writing help us understand the world around us? What makes a writer "a great enchanter"? In Creative Writing (ENGL3800), "Storytellers and Enchanters," we will explore a wide range of writing styles and you will have the opportunity to apply your skills in a variety of contexts. Students will also encounter a diversity of print texts and other media as they work towards developing a portfolio and sharing their work in a supportive and inclusive setting.

Contact Dr. David Kootnikoff (david.kootnikoff@uleth.ca) for course information.


Bev Garnett | bev.garnett@uleth.ca | (403) 380-1894 | ulethbridge.ca/artsci/english