Art NOW Speaker Series - Nicholas Wade

This event is from the archives of The Notice Board. The event has already taken place and the information contained in this post may no longer be relevant or accurate.

Art NOW - Nicholas Wade
12 pm, April 6, 2016
University Recital Hall
Free Admission, Everyone Welcome

Nick Wade has spent almost 20 years building structures and situations in which light can be investigated and experienced as incident and material -and as information as well as illumination.

In recent works he has produced paintings in which a surrogate for light is integrated in the painting. Other works with a painted or drawn architectural reference attempt to consolidate an idea about light and its optical effect on the unprepared eye.  A recent series which includes eight works are constructed to enable the simultaneous experience of light falling on a domestic structure that is hybridized with a painting, offering the possibility of a self-conscious or critical experience of materiality and complexities around the fall of light.


Nick Wade retired from 18 years of teaching at the U of L Art Dept in 2011.  He has since been working in Lethbridge and at a home studio on the top of the Niagara Escarpment overlooking Georgian Bay in Ontario.

His work is represented in many private collections as well as the Province of Nova Scotia art collection, The Ontario Arts Council, The AFA and the Canada Council Art Bank.

In 2000 and 2005 his work was included in the Alberta Biennial of Contemporary Art as well as in an exhibition in 2005 at the Ottawa Art Gallery to celebrate Alberta’s Centenary year.  In 2014 he was represented at the 90th anniversary of the Art Gallery of Alberta’s 90 artists/90 years exhibition.  He curated an exhibition of the work of Susan Fraser Hughes and Eric Cameron in February of that year. He also showed new paintings at the Trianon Gallery in September of that year. In 2015. His work was shown at the Latcham Gallery north of Toronto, curated by Chai Duncan. There are proposals circulating for a possible representation of his latest work.


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