This notice is from the archives of The Notice Board. Information contained in this notice was accurate at the time of publication but may no longer be so.
The President’s Award for Service Excellence is awarded annually to University of Lethbridge employees in recognition of the provision of exceptional service to the University of Lethbridge and members of the University community. Typically, one award is given to an AUPE/ESS employee and one award is given to an APO/Executive Director employee. An additional Team award can also be considered through the nomination and selection process. Award recipients will be honored at the annual Long Service Awards and Retirement Recognition Ceremony.
President's Award for Service Excellence recipients will receive:
- A certificate of recognition for the employee or each team member.
- A monetary award of $1,000 for the employee or team to be deposited into a separate professional supplement account for training or other items covered under the professional supplement program and used within the professional supplement program established guidelines.
Nomination deadline: Mar. 16, 2025
For more information:
President's Office | | 403-329-2201 |