Psychology Seminar Series - Uncovering the one-track mind: How can movies help us understand how the brain works?

Speaker: Dr Chelsea Ekstrand (Neuroscience, University of Lethbridge) 

Title: Uncovering the one-track mind: How can movies help us understand how the brain works? 

Bio: Dr. Chelsea Ekstrand is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Neuroscience at the Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience at the University of Lethbridge. She completed her PhD in cognitive neuroscience at the University of Saskatchewan and her postdoctoral training at Western University. Her NSERC and Brain Canada-funded research focuses on understanding how the brain processes the "real world" by using naturalistic stimuli (such as movies) during neuroimaging to examine patterns of brain activity associated with complex cognitive processing. She is particularly interested in how personality traits, such as stress, anxiety and wellbeing shape the way we see the world, and how different neural conditions (like epilepsy, migraine, and mild cognitive impairment) alter complex neural processing.

Presented by the Department of Psychology and the PSYENCE Publishing Society

This seminar can be attended in person (SA8003) or via Zoom (

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Jamal Mansour | | 403-329-2077

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