EndNote Parts 1 & 2 (Combined) Online Workshop | February 19


EndNote is a citation management software that can help you manage, organize and use your research literature. It integrates with Microsoft Word (and selected other word processing software) so that you can "cite-while-you-write" using your choice of citation styles. EndNote is available for both Windows and Mac computers. We will be using the latest version in the Windows/PC environment with Microsoft Word.

Anyone wishing to use EndNote on their own laptop during training sessions should have the software already installed.

The EndNote Combined workshop covers:

  • An introduction to key features and components of EndNote.
  • How to build a library of citations.
  • How to create groups of EndNote citations and customize displays.
  • How to Cite While You Write with EndNote and Microsoft Word.

For other EndNote learning opportunities, click here.

Room or Area: 
Online via Zoom


Dr. Rumi Graham | library.endnote@uleth.ca | library.ulethbridge.ca/EndNote