This event is from the archives of The Notice Board. The event has already taken place and the information contained in this post may no longer be relevant or accurate.

Friday, Nov. 29. 2024
4:00 -6:00 PM
Andy's Place (AH100)
Email: to register
Have you ever seen a map of a child’s mind? Can you recall that particular geography?Would you like to take your readers and listeners on a trip to Neverland?
In this exciting story competition, we invite you to take inspiration from the likes of Peter Pan in seeking to tell a story related to the themes of children / childhood/ youth/ children’s literature. At this event, participants will have ten minutes each to share their original stories about and/or for children and youth.
There will be prizes! There will be refreshments! There will be fun! So much that you may not want to return from Neverland (or Oz, or Narnia...).
LENGTH: 10 minutes for each participant
There are limited spaces available, so if you’re interested you can register early and secure a spot by sending an e-mail to
An Institute for Child and Youth Studies(I-CYS) Creative Writing Event.
Co-hosted by the Department of English
To register, email:
Jenny Oseen | | (403) 329-2551