Art NOW series featuring Don Gill

This event is from the archives of The Notice Board. The event has already taken place and the information contained in this post may no longer be relevant or accurate.

"Human Relations / Carceral Culture"

October 18 | Noon | University Recital Hall
Free admission, everyone welcome

In this artist talk, Don Gill discusses his current exhibition at the Gallery at Casa.

A conceptually-based photographer and artist, Don Gill is in the eleventh year of an unbroken walking project: Erratic Drawings: dongillwalking, consisting of daily mapped walks. These ongoing maps can be seen at:

He attended and taught at several educational institutions across Canada and the US, particularly the University of Lethbridge where he taught Photo Arts for more than 20 years.

Don Gill's exhibition, Human Relations/Carceral Culture, is on view at the Gallery at Casa until October 26. Thank you to Casa for their collaboration in making this artist talk possible.

Image: Don Gill, Study for Social Relations. Courtesy of the artist.


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