RDM: An Introduction to Borealis and Data Depositing

This event is from the archives of The Notice Board. The event has already taken place and the information contained in this post may no longer be relevant or accurate.

In the second part of our Research Data Management (RDM) series, librarians will introduce researchers to safe and secure methods of data depositing. This session will cover a number of repository options, and give a more in-depth introduction on how to use Borealis, the Canadian Dataverse Repository. Researchers will learn what “open data” means in the Canadian funding context and how to apply those principles to their data management plans. 

This workshop is for all faculty members (particularly ECRs), postdocs, and graduate students interested in learning more about RDM. Everyone welcome!

Presenters: Librarians from ULethbridge

Early Career Researchers who attend at least six seminars over the year will be eligible for a seed grant to support their research program. 

Graduate students can have all ORIS seminars/workshops recorded and validated to their MyExperience Transcript! For more information about transcripts or to have an experience validated, please reach out to the administrator via my.experience@uleth.ca

*Light refreshments will be provided.

Register to Attend

Room or Area: 


Keiko McFarland | oris.health@uleth.ca | (403) 332-4433 | ulethbridge.ca/research/workshops