Art NOW series presents Camina Weasel Moccasin

This event is from the archives of The Notice Board. The event has already taken place and the information contained in this post may no longer be relevant or accurate.

Art NOW speaker series presents: Camina Weasel Moccasin
Living Heritage
12 pm | September 22, 2023
University Recital Hall
Free admission, everyone welcome

This presentation discusses the concept of Indigenous Heritage as it relates to the Niitsitapii people and culture. These concepts are then discussed in relation to current heritage management practices of Indigenous cultures.

Camina Weasel Moccasin is a member of the Blood Tribe and part of the Akaipookaiksi clan. Camina received her Bachelor of Arts degree in archaeology and geography in 2013 from the University of Lethbridge. Since then she has worked at Blackfoot heritage sites such as Writing-on-Stone / Aisinai’pi and Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump. Most recently Camina has been employed at the Galt Museum and Archives | Akaisamitohkanao’pa as the first Indigenous Curator for the City of Lethbridge.

Free admission, all are welcome to attend.


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