STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN(Nicholas Meyer / USA / 1982)
Hosted by Dr. Javid Sadr (Psychology and Neuroscience)
STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN(Nicholas Meyer / USA / 1982)
Hosted by Dr. Javid Sadr (Psychology and Neuroscience)
Health Interprofessional Seminar Series: Dr. Frederic Fu: Investigating Risk Factors for Neurological Disorders and Mental Illnesses Among People Experiencing Homelessness
Please join us for the final open mic of the academic year! WE'LL ALSO BE CELEBRATING THE WINNERS OF "CHASING THE MUSE: A SHORT STORY SLAM"
Brought to you by COHT and the Department of History & Religion
Join us in celebrating ECM's 30th anniversary under chaplain Erin Phillips' leadership supporting students at ULethbridge and Lethbridge Polytechnic.
Vibe Fest will showcase Faculty of Fine Arts programming and student, alumni and faculty talent in a free, community event