This event is from the archives of The Notice Board. The event has already taken place and the information contained in this post may no longer be relevant or accurate.
The Women in STEM Conference aims to bring together the amazing women at the U of L across all STEM disciplines to showcase the work being done at our institution.
Please consider participating if you are an undergraduate, graduate, postdoc, or researcher at the U of L, identify as a woman, and want to connect.
Welcome address by Martha Mathurin-Moe (Vice-Provost Equity, Diversity and Inclusion).
Keynote address by Dr. Jackie Rice (Associate Vice-President Research & Dean of Graduate Studies).
Anyone who participates in a research project that falls within Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math is welcome to present at the first Women in STEM Conference. All levels of education are welcome to present a poster. Receive a free t-shirt for participating!
Sign up to participate here:
Laura Keffer-Wilkes | | 403-332-4544 |