Psychology Seminar Series - Making Norms for Better People: The Ideal Theory Problem of the Argumentative Opening Stage

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SpeakerDr. Kat Stevens (Philosophy, University of Lethbridge)

Title: Making Norms for Better People: The Ideal Theory Problem of the Argumentative Opening Stage 

Bio: Kat Stevens is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Lethbridge. She specializes in Argumentation Theory, specifically the ethics of argumentation and arguing with precedents. She is the co-editor in chief of the journal Informal Logic, and a co-organizer of the Online Speaker Series on the Ethics of Argumentation. Her monograph on the Ethics of Argumentation is currently under review, and now she is working on a keynote address she will give at the Argumentation Network of the Americas in the spring, and on a supplemental textbook on the ethics of argumentation for critical thinking courses called How to Argue without being a Jerk.

Presented by the Department of Psychology and the PSYENCE Publishing Society

This seminar can be attended in person (SA8003) or via Zoom (

Room or Area: 
SA 8003


Jamal Mansour | | (403) 329-2077

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