This event is from the archives of The Notice Board. The event has already taken place and the information contained in this post may no longer be relevant or accurate.

National Chemistry Week (October 17th-23rd) will soon be upon us and the University of Lethbridge’s chemistry clubs invite you to celebrate with some awesome upcoming events. Everyone is welcome to join any or all of the events. With current restrictions, all events will be held virtually on zoom. Please note the zoom link for all three of the events listed below is the same:
Monday, October 18 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
The Association of Chemists for Inclusivity and Diversity: Building Advocacy, Solidarity and Education (ACID:BASE) is hosting their first virtual seminar featuring 2 predominant Canadian chemists, Dr. Nola Etkin and Dr. Alison Thompson, who will be discussing their experiences and the barriers they faced while achieving their successes in the chemistry field. All are welcome to attend and join the discussion.
Wednesday, October 20 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
The Undergraduate Chemist Society (UCS) is hosting a meet the professor night. Hopefully all professors and instructors of the chemistry department will be in attendance to talk a bit about their role in the department and give current and new students a chance to meet their instructors outside of the classroom. Everyone is welcome, even if you are not a chemistry student by major!
Friday, October 22 3:30 - 5 p.m.
The Graduate Student Society of Chemists (GSSC) is hosting an event to allow graduate students in chemistry to deliver 5 minute talks about an aspect of their research. Please come out to hear about the diverse research projects going on in our department.
Friday, October 22 5 - 7 p.m.
Immediately following the 5-minute talks, the Graduate Student Society of Chemists (GSSC) is hosting a chemistry themed trivia night. Everyone is welcome to come and test their trivia skills all for the bragging rights of being first place.
We hope you’ll be celebrating National Chemistry Week with us!
Rebecca Jeong & Nathania Takyi (Events Coordinators for ACID:BASE)
Melanie Kebel (Events Coordinator for UCS)
Daisy Cruz-Milette, Tara Dickie & Nathania Takyi (Events Coordinators for the GSSC)
Free. Everyone welcome to attend.
Stacey Wetmore |