This event is from the archives of The Notice Board. The event has already taken place and the information contained in this post may no longer be relevant or accurate.

Join us for a drop-in guided yoga and mindfulness meditation session hosted by Devena First Rider
When: Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2024
Location: Iikaisskini Gathering Centre (W650)
Time: 11a.m. - 3 p.m.
Doors open at 11 a.m.
Session begins at noon
Light snacks, water & mats provided (welcome to bring your own)
“Oki Nistooa, Pootapinii. Hello, my name is Devena Dawn First Rider, a member of the Kainai Blood Reserve. I am a clinical MSW, with years of experience in therapeutic approach that uniquely combine the western theory and Indigenous paradigms with experience in cultural practice and spiritual leadership. I believe in the ‘two-eyed seeing’ approach and utilize it in my practice.
Welcome to Walking in Indigenous World View Through Yoga and Mindfulness. This wellness initiative is to improve mental health outcomes with instructing Indigenous yoga and mindfulness practice. I assist those in developing a skill to self-regulate through strength based exercises focusing on emotional, physical, and spiritual grounding.
My session not only helps youth and adults, but also supports staff with promoting self-care. It brings awareness to the innate relationship to our land, language, and way of life. My work is uniquely designed to connect to improve the general mobility of the body.“
We hope to see you all there!
Santanita Oka | | (403) 332-4104 |