This event is from the archives of The Notice Board. The event has already taken place and the information contained in this post may no longer be relevant or accurate.
Golden Maple Presentation
co-hosted by Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
7 p.m. MST
University of Lethbridge Science Commons
Room SA8002
Presenter: Tad Mitsui, Minister Emeritus of Southminster United Church, Honorary Lifetime Garden Member Inductee
"Wild Birds and Boundary Crossings: Lessons from a Varied Life"
Any one person’s story reflects the intersection and influence of all the people and events who have been significant to them: a complex whole that cannot be easily categorized. Tad Mitsui discusses his life journeys, hardships, triumphs and, most importantly, the people who inspired him along the way.
What lessons for the 21st century can be drawn from nine decades of living?
Co-sponsored by the University of Lethbridge, the Centre for Oral History & Tradition, The Japan Foundation, Toronto, Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs, and Nikkei Memory Capture Project.
Jenny Oseen | | (403) 329-2551