Call for Student Research Fellows!

Applications are welcome for student support in qualitative, community-engaged research through the Community Bridge Lab (CBL). Semester grants of $1,000 and a summer research award of $8,467 are available. The CBL has now hosted more than 30 students in a wide variety of impactful projects. In fact, a showcase for current students will be held on Friday, April 4 (see the slide attached here). 


This support is directed at any ULethbridge student engaged in qualitative research who has identified a project and a supervisor. The CBL offers a supportive space for the development of high-quality undergraduate research through the provision of a lab space, a group of peer researchers, and support in the development of professional and academic skills.

The deadline for the CBL student project award as well as the summer research award is Monday, March 31. Students involved in applied studies, work integrated learning, co-op, honour thesis or other qualitative research projects are great candidates for this award.

More information can be found at this link:


Jan Newberry |