Running Stitch
Art NOW series featuring Heather Kehoe
March 26 | noon | University Recital Hall
Free admission, everyone welcome
This talk covers the development of Heather Kehoe’s textile-based practice leading to her upcoming exhibition The Gift of Vacancy in the Project Space at Casa, opening on April 5.
Heather Kehoe (she/her) is a multidisciplinary research-based artist. Her current practice is centred around using embroidery as a research method and rhetorical device. Heather graduated from the University of Calgary with a BFA Honours in Visual Studies. Her work has been exhibited in Arts Commons, cSPace King Edward, Calgary Central Library, and the Alberta Craft Council. She is a member of Contextural Fibre Arts Cooperative. She is currently based out of Lethbridge.
Image: Heather Kehoe, due form / due ornament / due value, 2023, photography by Bariyaa Ipaa.
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.
finearts | finearts@uleth.ca | ulethbridge.ca/fine-arts/event-season