

Non-University Groups

  • Will be assessed charges for the use of University facilities, services and equipment, as determined at the time the space is booked or equipment reserved.
  • Charges for facilities shall be in accordance with the rental rate schedule as approved by the Board of Governors.
  • Revenue obtained from charges for use of University facilities, services and equipment will be allocated by Financial Services according to fees or budget approved, to the applicable University service units incurring the extra costs, upon receipt of a billing statement from the service unit.
  • A copy must be sent to the Space Booking Unit.

University Departments

  • Audience Demographics are a critical factor in determining whether an event is considered to be "internal" or "external."
  • Example: A Faculty member may book space for an external conference/group, but because the majority of the audience is external to campus, regular rental rates apply

Student organizations

  • Are not charged facility rental fees for general purpose classrooms as well as select event spaces.


A non-refundable deposit may be requested at the time an event is booked


All charges will be invoiced by Financial Services or the appropriate Space Booking Unit

  • Charges are due and payable upon receipt of the invoice.


Charges may be assessed to University units or groups either

Charge is to cover the costs of providing greater than normal University services, or services required at times other than during normal operating hours.

Such charges will be based upon actual extra costs incurred by the University units supplying the services, including current overtime labour rates for University personnel.

  • Equipment operators
  • Technicians
  • Caretakers
  • Building service and utility workers
  • Security officers and administrative assistants

A charge for additional utilities may be required, but no charge will be made for the use fo the building space.

All special service arrangements are to be made with the Space Booking Units at time of inital booking request.