
Invitation to Publish

Please consider a submission to this journal. We invite all educators whose professional work is linked to AISI to forward articles for review.

The Peer Review Process

All articles for Volume 2, Number 2, Spring 2013 were reviewed by:
Joanne Steinmann, Jim Parsons, David Townsend, and Pamela Adams.

Guest reviewers may be added to the team for future volumes.

Submission Process

Articles can be sent, anytime, to any of the members of the Editorial Board.

The formal call for submissions for the Fall 2013 volume will be made April 1, 2013.

Criteria for Submissions

  • Please submit papers up to 3,000 words, with an Abstract of approximately 300 words.
  • Author names should be included.
  • Graphics may be accepted.
  • Please use Arial 11 font, and APA 6 format.
  • Papers should be double-spaced.