I-CYS Newsletter Issue #3 - September 2014
Issue #3 - Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Welcome to the third issue of the Institute of Child and Youth Studies (I-CYS) newsletter. Although we are still basking in the hot prairie sun here in southern Alberta, we know that summer will soon be drawing to a close. We are already busy looking ahead to an exciting academic year, which will include the second Mapping the Landscapes of Childhood Conference, to take place in Lethbridge in May 2015. Details about the conference and the Call for Papers are included in this issue. Please share this with any colleagues who may be interested. We hope to see many of you of at the conference!
If you have your own news or announcements that you would like to have published in the newsletter, we would love to hear from you! In keeping with the mandate of I-CYS, it aims to foster dialogue and enquiry across a range of disciplines connected to the study of children and youth.