Graduate Students

Master’s and PhD Projects: all I-CYS researchers are able to supervise individual Master’s projects within their department/faculty  that correspond to their research interests in Child and Youth Studies.

Master's programs at the U of L:

PhD programs at the U of L: 

Graduate Program in  Cultural, Social, and Political Thought (CSPT) : this option is open to students from Humanities and Social Sciences. I-CYS researchers and affiliates from these disciplines are able to supervise  projects that correspond to their research interests in Child and Youth Studies. This program  is interdisciplinary in nature and based on a cohort-learning model that fosters an environment of interdisciplinary engagement and exchange, research, peer mentoring, collaboration among a small group of students, within a team-based learning experience.

MA in CSPT: 

PhD in CSPT: 

Past I-CYS students have been part of the following programs: MA History; MA Anthropology; MA Cultural, Social, & Political Thought; MA Sociology; MA English; MSc Neuroscience; MSc Evolution & Behaviour; PhD Cultural, Social, and Political Thought; PhD Evolution & Behaviour.


Supervised reading courses: graduate and undergraduate students are welcome to approach I-CYS researchers to supervise reading courses (as Independent Study designation) on appropriate subjects.

Workshops: I-CYS coordinates workshops to facilitate networking among students working on child and youth studies. 



To learn more, please contact:   Jenny Oseen: