John Anvik

Associate Professor
Faculty of Arts & Science
Mathematics and Computer Science

Computer Science (Software Engineering)

Research expertise

My research interests are in software engineering and computer science education. I am particularly interested in using software development project artifacts, such as bug reports and source revision history, to support software maintenance decisions.

Research Topics of Interest 

Recommendation Systems for Software Engineering, Software Engineering Education


If you contact me, please include:

I accept graduate student applications for Fall and Spring semesters. I do not accept applications for Summer semesters. Complete the contact form in the University of Lethbridge system. Direct emails about supervision are likely to be labelled as spam and ignored. Include "I should go." at the end of the "Introduction" portion. This lets me know you have read and followed these instructions (i.e. makes a good impression). This request may seem strange, but I receive several supervision requests weekly. Asking you to do this helps me to gauge how detailed-oriented an applicant is. Also, the practice has a long history (e.g. Van Halen's Brown M&Ms). Include the following information in the "Educational History" portion: Your GPA in the 4-point system. What software engineering courses you have taken. What (if any) machine learning/deep learning courses you have taken. A description of one project involving the development of a software system. I review applications in: December for the Feb 1 deadline. March for the May 1 deadline (if no students were accepted for the February deadline). August for the Oct 1 deadline.