Bridge Bucks
Bridge Bucks
What is Bridge Bucks?
Bridge Bucks is a safe and convenient method of transacting goods and services at the University of Lethbridge. Your money is deposited in a central account and your Campus ID Card is used as a debit card to access your dollars. No banking fees are associated with using this debit card feature.
You can use Bridge Bucks to access food and services across campus such as:
- Urban Market - Located in University Hall, level 6.
- Starbucks - Located in the Library building, Level 9.
- SUBWAY - Located in University Hall, level 6.
- Tim Hortons - Located in University Hall, level 6
- Booster Juice - Located in the 1st Choice Savings Centre
- Cutlery + Bakery (C+B) - Located on Level 7 in Science Commons.
- Bookstore - Student Union Building Level 2
- Print and Copy