2026 Bridge Prize
Bridge Prize FAQ's
What do you mean by “unpublished work”?
All entries must be short stories not previously self-published or published by a second party in print or online at the time of the submission deadline. Further, submissions must not have previously won or been a finalist in any other short fiction competition at the time of the submission deadline.
What is the process for selecting the winner and finalists?
After all entries are received by the deadline, a Local Jury comprised of Lethbridge-based academics and cultural leaders will read each submission. In June 2026, the Local Jury will identify a Short List of up to ten stories to present to the Main Jury. From July to September, the Main Jury will read the short listed stories and arrive at the top story written by an undergraduate student and the top story written by a graduate student plus one finalist in each category. finalists. The announcement of the winning authors will be made in September 2026.
Can I submit my short story under a pen name?
All authors must register using the name recognized by their post-secondary institution. If you win or place as a finalist, you may then substitute your name for a pen name for the official public announcement.
Do I retain the rights to my story if I win?
Yes, you retain the rights to your short story.
Should you win or place as a finalist of the Bridge Prize 2026 competition, the University of Lethbridge retains the right to use your name, the title of your story, and the institution you attend in all future digital and print promotions related to the Bridge Prize. Further, if you win the 2026 Bridge Prize, you agree to allow the University of Lethbridge to publish your winning short story on the Bridge Prize website in perpetuity, but you retain ownership and control of your short story.
What is the purpose of the $21.00 submission fee?
We implemented a $20.00 (+ GST) submission fee to help the School of Liberal Education offset the costs of administering and marketing the Bridge Prize competition. All other costs and cash awards are provided by our donor and sponsors to ensure the submission fee will not be increased in the future.