Where once was vast and open prairie now lives one of Canada's top-ranked research universities.
The University of Lethbridge exists as it does today thanks to the determined and forward-thinking citizens who believed southern Alberta warranted its own university. Their vision, tenacity and ability to unite to make the impossible possible have lived at the heart of the University for more than five decades.
The evolution of campus
The Early Years: 1967 - Late 1970s
Let it Shine On
Let it Shine On was also preformed with the Wind Orchestra at Convocation that year.
50 Voices project
Through 50 years and 50 voices, we capture our most iconic stories, as well as those yet to be told, with the help of the University’s history-makers.
50 Years of teaching
uLethbridge faculty members explore various topics and reflect on how teaching has evolved over the last five decades.
Fondest memories
uLethbridge faculty, staff, students and alumni help tell the Faculty of Education’s story through a collection of personal memories