Field Experience Out of Zone Professional Semester III Placement Request Statement of Support

Performance in Professional Semester I and II courses and practicums are taken into consideration when decisions are made regarding Professional Semester III requests for Out-of-Zone internship placements.

Please complete this form for each of the PS I students that you supervised this fall, keeping in mind that unit and lesson planning, and classroom management are often areas where students require more frequent and ‘in person’ assistance from their respective PS III University Consultant in order to be successful in their internship.

Occasionally there are more Out-of-Zone placements requests than can be approved for a semester, requiring student requests to be prioritized. We ask that (based on their experience in PS I), you include comments as to why you would or would not be supportive if the student should request an Out of Zone PS III placement in the future. 

Your comments supporting your decision assist us in the prioritization of Out of Zone placement requests, as well as aid us in making "best fit" placement decisions in Zone 6 schools. 

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.



Out of Zone Internship Suitability
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form to enable us to better determine the student's suitability for an Out of Zone Professional Semester III internship.