About the Dhillon School of Business
About the school
About the school
Business and management education started at the University of Lethbridge in 1975 with the Department of Management, most recently renamed in 2018 as the Dhillon School of Business. Today the School is an accredited member of the exclusive Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB). Over 14,000 alumni from 51 countries call the Dhillon School of Business their alma mater.
The Dhillon School of Business is known for its immersive experiential learning opportunities, connecting learners with industry, its supportive, personalized approach and for exposing students to emerging technology. To ensure students thrive in an interconnected world of increasing change, we create our programs to help develop forward-leaning skills such as creative problem-solving, critical thinking and social intelligence. We provide the foundation for our students to become business thought leaders with innovative skillsets.
Our Motto, ‘Mokakit’ is a Blackfoot term meaning ‘practice wisdom, apply your knowledge’.
Quick facts |
2 campuses (Lethbridge and Calgary) |
Almost 1,700 students |
60 full-time faculty |
More than 15,000 alumni |
Strategic plan