Alberta Writes: Conversations in Secondary and Post-secondary Context
Alberta Writes Series
Conversations About Writing: Exploring Shared Responsibility for the Teaching of Writing in Alberta
If students can’t write they can’t succeed, whether in school, work, or life.
We know students face many challenges when learning to write for new situations. This becomes a very serious challenge at high school and university levels. Teachers can help change this by learning how to properly assess and manage the challenges students of all ages may face when writing. Learn from experts from the University of Lethbridge and University of Alberta who, with internationally recognized keynote speaker, Dr. Bob Broad, will host a one-day session that explores how educators can learn more about writing assessment.
This upcoming conference at the University of Lethbridge is on the "teaching of writing in secondary and post-secondary contexts" in Alberta.
Keynote speaker: Dr. Broad is an internationally respected leader in the field of writing assessment. He has developed a process called dynamic criteria mapping which he uses often in writing across the curriculum programs to help instructors from across a wide range of disciplines find coherence in their teaching and assessment of writing. This conference will be the first time he will apply this process to conversations about writing across the K-20 educational contexts.
When: Friday, October 26, 2012
8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Where: University of Lethbridge Student Union Building Ballrooms A & B
Cost: $30 includes parking, lunch, and snacks throughout the day
Registration: ends October 24, 2012
You can register for the conference at the following link:
If you use writing as a form of assessment in your classroom, you are invited to participate in this one-day event. This conference would be of interest to educators on all levels from K-12, university, and other individuals in the community who work with people who are learning to write.
Sponsored by: University of Alberta, Alberta Rural Development Network, University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education
Facilitators: Each of the five conversations planned for the day will be facilitated by experts in the field of writing pedagogy: Dr. Robin Bright specializes in the development of writing ability within the K-12 system; Drs. Leah Fowler and David Slomp have expertise and experience teaching writing in both the K-12 and post-secondary contexts; Drs. Roger and Heather Graves both specialize in the teaching of writing across the post-secondary curriculum; and Dr. Bob Broad has worked extensively with post-secondary writing-across-the-curriculum programs, helping them develop coherence and vision in their teaching and assessment of writing.
If you have any questions about the conference, please feel free to contact Dr. Roger Graves ( or Dr. David Slomp (
You may also contact:
Faculty of Education Communications Officer
Darcy Novakowski
University of Lethbridge, 4401 University Drive
Lethbridge, Alberta Canada T1K 3M4
(403) 332-4550
U of L Communications and Public Relations
Bob Cooney, Communications and PR Officer (403) 382-7173