Parking Lot Rehabilitation
May 2013
Due to budget constraints, work on the western parking lots will be limited to completion of last year’s work as well as repairs to some badly damaged asphalt resulting from a harsh winter conditions.
October 5, 2012
The parking lot redevelopment project wrapped up at the end of September.
The Facilities department would like to thank everyone for their patience during the final weeks of construction.
Unfortunately, early summer rains delayed the project from meeting its deadline for the first day of classes.
Lots F and FS are now open with only minor landscaping left to finish. The fencing along the grassy area of bordering Lot FS is still up to ensure that no one walks on the new sod which needs time to integrate with the ground.
Phase 2 of the project will get underway next summer which includes paving Lots E and G, installing landscaping and trees, and the construction of storm water management and drainage systems.
August 13, 2012
Construction on the western campus parking lots has been running smoothly. The project is on schedule with the majority of the work set to be complete by mid-August. Final enhancements and clean up is expected to happen the last week of the month, and the lots will reopen in time for beginning of the school year.
The pouring of new concrete sidewalks and curbing that will outline the new parking lot design is already underway and should be complete by the end of the week (Aug. 17).
Installation of new lighting, painting of stall lines and planting of landscaping will commence the following week (Aug. 20).
The Facilities department and construction crews would like to remind everyone to stay safe and obey the signs and barricades around the site.
Once the area has reopened, permit holders will need to pay attention to where they park as the new lot design includes changes to parking lot designation (see image below).
As of Sept. 1, Lots F and FS will be combined and renamed Lot FS. Lot E next to Anderson Hall will be renamed Lot F, while Lot G and the larger Lot E will remain the same.
Permits holders for Lot E and G are encouraged to use the new entrance from Valley Road or Aperture Drive. Lot F and FS permits holders should use the lighted intersection entrance from Valley Road.
A detailed map will be sent out with new permits and is also available at Parking Services and at the Financial Services cash office.
Redevelopment of Lots E and G along with additional landscaping, trees and windbreaks will commence next summer.
New Parking Lot Map [pdf]
July 18, 2012
As work to parking Lots E, F and FS gets underway, construction crews greatly appreciate the public’s patience and ask that the following precautions are taken to ensure everyone’s safety.
Please note that during construction there will be no access to Anderson Hall through the west doors. Users are asked to access the building through the east doors only.
1. Do not access or walk across the construction site. Follow the posted pedestrian route.
2. Drivers: please slow down. Reduce speed to 30km/hr on Valley Road. This is for both northbound as well as southbound traffic.
3. Use Aperture Drive access to minimize traffic congestion.
4. Obey posted stop signs to ensure pedestrian safety for those walking onto campus from University Drive access pathway.
5. A pedestrian walkway is being painted as soon as possible as a further cautionary measure.
6. Pedestrians: do not cross the crosswalk into the path of oncoming traffic.
7. Those using skateboards, bikes, scooters etc. should stop, dismount and walk across the pedestrian walkway when safe to do so.
July 12, 2012
Significant changes are coming to the University’s main parking lot in order to enhance pedestrian safety and create more green space.
Construction on Phase 1 of the project is already underway, but more changes will be implemented next week.
During the week of July 16, the areas adjacent to Anderson Hall - Lots E, F and FS - will be closed for the rest of the summer. Parking will be available in the west side of Lot E, accessed via the new entranceway or Aperture Drive.
Construction in Lots E, F and FS will include repaving, concrete curbs and sidewalks, new lighting, new vehicle plug-in pedestals and sustainable landscaping including windbreaks and storm water management to prevent flooding such as the incident that took place at the Wellness Centre in July 2008.
The redesign of the parking areas also means changes in lot designation. As of Sept. 1, Lots F and FS will be combined and named Lot FS. Permit fees will change to reflect current Lot F pricing.
Lot E west of Anderson Hall will be renamed Lot F. Permit fees for this area will continue at current Lot E pricing. Lot E south of Anderson Hall will remain Lot E.
These changes do not affect those with permits for other lots across campus.
Phase 2 of the project will begin in the summer of 2013. This phase will see the redevelopment of Lots E and G, along with improved visitor parking and new, more visible signage.
For more information on this project contact Dick Lutwick at 403-329-2640 or
Construction of the new entranceway into Lot E is nearly complete and should be open the week of July 16.
June 28, 2012
Construction on a new entrance into Lot E from Valley Road is almost complete. Once the roadway is open work will continue on the parking areas.
During this phase of construction, the existing north entrance at the lights will be closed, as well as the entire area adjacent to Anderson Hall (Lots E, F, and FS).
Depending on the weather this portion of the project will begin around Thursday, July 5.
Current permit holders will be asked park in the west side of Lot E until the construction is finished at the end of August.
Access will be provided at the existing south entrance at Aperture Drive and the new entrance. A map outlining the access points and parking areas is displayed below.
For more information on this project contact Dick Lutwick at 403-329-2640 or
June 14, 2012
The parking lot redevelopment project was set to begin in early June however, due to recent rains, work on the project was delayed.
Construction on a new entrance into Lot E from Valley Road is now underway, and once the roadway is operational, work will continue on redeveloping the parking areas adjacent to Anderson Hall in Lots E, F, and FS.
Mother Nature hindered the start of the new roadway construction, but the project is now underway.
Renovations to these lots will include the removal and replacement of existing lighting and plug-in pedestals, new storm water drainage, concrete curbing, sidewalks and paving.
During construction, the existing north entrance will be closed to traffic. Access to Lot E will be provided at Aperture Drive and the new entrance.
Current permit holders will be directed to park in the larger section of Lot E during construction.
The Facilities department will work diligently to provide ample signage across campus and provide regular updates to advising users of pedestrian routes and parking restrictions.
Construction work for 2012 should be substantially completed by Aug. 15 with all work finalized by Aug. 31.
The second phase of construction will happen in the spring of 2013. This phase will see the redevelopment of Lots E and G.
For more information on this project contact Dick Lutwick at 403-329-2640 or
A drawing of the proposed parking lot configuration once renovations are complete.
April 4, 2012
The University of Lethbridge is embarking on a major parking lot redevelopment project this summer which will enhance the campus environmentally and aesthetically.
Redevelopment of the campus’s western parking lots is set to begin this spring; beginning with the creation of a new entranceway at the northwest corner of Lot E.
This is just the beginning of the project that will give a facelift to Lots E, F, FS and G along Anderson Hall and the 1st Choice Savings Centre. The result will be more practical parking and the addition of environmentally sustainable and aesthetically pleasing landscaping.
The $2.5 million project will be developed over two summers, with completion aimed for 2013. Parking access will be provided away from construction while the project is underway. Check the Notice Board and campus digital signage for further parking notices as construction begins.
The revamped design of the parking lots includes bio swales (drainage) and windbreaks, along with improved lighting, security and safety measures for vehicle and pedestrian traffic. The design also addresses storm water management and drainage issues to prevent occurrences such as the flooding that took place in July 2008 at the Wellness Centre.
For more information on this project contact Dick Lutwick at 403-329-2640 or
Sample entrance and parking lot plan near Anderson Hall.
The redevelopment will address traffic flow, pedestrian flow and storm water management issues.