Space Resource Utilization
The development, operation and maintenance costs of space are far too great to sit underutilized. As such, the institution needs to utilize all of its space resources effectively.
Campus Planning works with administration, faculty representatives from various departments and the Registrar to improve utilization of our space resources and to enhance the quality of our instructional environments. Campus Planning also defines the occupant load of rooms and the instructional capacity of teaching spaces.
Instructional Space Inventory
The 'official' inventory of campus instructional spaces scheduled primarily through the Registrar consists of a number of dedicated teaching spaces of a variety of pedagogical types and size ranges across campus. Each have their own attributes to address teaching preferences.
Campus Planning strives to maximize the best-use of all our campus spaces and has produced utilization data primarily for instructional spaces as follows:
Classroom Utilization
The Government of Alberta target room utilization is set at 80% and 80% for seat/station utilization.
Instructional spaces in the inventory include:
- Lecture Theatres
- Seminar Rooms
- Active Learning Classroom (SCALE-UP Pilot Project)
Class Laboratory Utilization
Similar to instructional spaces, our class laboratories are also intended to be utilized effectively, however their target use is affected differently due to their extended 'take-down' and 'set-up' times preceding and concluding each lab. The Government of Alberta target room utilization for labs is 60% and 80% for each available lab station.
Instructional Lab spaces include:
- Teaching Wet Labs (Biology, Chemistry, etc.)
- Teaching Dry Labs (Computer Labs, etc.)
Utilization Assessments / Reports
Past Utilization Assessments for instructional space will be posted chronologically below:
- Instructional Space Utilization Study - ECS Feb 2014.pdf (1.52 MB)
- UCMP Master Plan Directions - ECS_Feb 2012.pdf (Section 3 of Report)
- Campus Classroom Utilization Report - 2008 (Not Available)