U of L EARLY START PROGRAM for August 2020


UPDATE, JUNE 2020: Due to Covid 19, the ESE will be run entirely online this year. We are working hard to plan an amazing online experience for you! 

The U of L Early Start Experience is an opportunity for students to start their Fall 2020 semester two weeks early, in a course specially designed to promote student success and to ease the transition from high school to university. Participants in the program will:

  • Get a full course credit for a special enhanced version of LBED 1500, The First Year Experience: Mapping our Communities.
  • Build social networks with a diverse group of incoming students.
  • Develop the skills & resources needed to be successful in university.



DATES:  August 24 to Sept. 4, 2020.  

More Information:  


This program, piloted in August 2019, allows students to take a special version of LBED 1500 that is both compressed, into two weeks instead of the regular semester, and enhanced, with lots of additional activities provided. The program has been specifically designed to promote student success and to ease the transition from high school to university courses. The usual 36 hours of in-class time for a course will be extended with workshops on Library resources and skills, Writing Skills, Success & Study Skills, and Finances and Loans; we will offer you Art Gallery and behind-the-scenes theatre and art tours, volunteer opportunities, and talks with our Career Bridge advisors about experiential learning opportunities; you’ll get to hear some of our best professors talk about their work, and be able to ask them questions about any aspect of the university experience.  You will get to know the campus and many of the professors you will take courses from, and spend the two weeks with a small group of students in the program, allowing you to make connections and friends right away. You’ll have a head start on your first academic year, get a full course credit while building your “good student” skills, and be ready to start strong in September!



“This program was exactly what I needed at this point in my life, and the immense knowledge and experience that was packed into these days will follow me throughout my university career – and further, I’m sure.” (2019 Early Start student)

“I have a better understanding of the services at the uni; much more comfortable here; moving in early was great; feel more confident writing papers; met amazing friends.”  (2019 Early Start Student)

I feel much more comfortable making my way around campus, talking to the professors, and reaching out when I need help. I learned a lot about studying and writing papers.”  2019 Early Start Student


LIB ED  1500   The First Year Experience: Mapping our Communities

When students start university, they start a journey to a new stage in life, as they enter a variety of new communities - new physical spaces, new social relationships, and new academic communities and challenges. This course is designed to introduce new students to these communities and to help them find their place in them. Using maps and the process of map-making as guiding metaphors, students will learn valuable social, cultural, and academic skills that will be useful no matter what their major.

The course will be centered in a classroom, but you will spend lots of time outside the classroom on tours and activities. Lecturers from diverse disciplines will introduce you to their research, helping you become part of the academic community and develop connections to professors. You will learn about the services and support available to help you succeed in university and beyond. You will also be introduced to some of the ways that a liberal education challenges boundaries and borders and helps establish connections between ideas and disciplines.


COST:   The only cost for the ESe is the regular U of L tuition fees for one course (part of student’s total 40 courses)


FOR MORE INFORMATION,  CONTACT        Dr. Shelly Wismath      Email: wismaths@uleth.ca      Phone: 403-329-2529



You will register in Summer Session III for the course LBED 1500, as an Open Studies Student.   Please fill in the Summer Open Studies form available at https://www.uleth.ca/sites/ross/files/imported/forms/OpenStudiesRegForm.pdf

and return it by email to the Office of the Registrar at  regoffice@uleth.ca . There is an initial $100.00 fee ($20.00 open studies fee/$80.00 Summer tuition). Please write EARLY START EXPERIENCE on the top of the form and enter LBED 1500 under course subject and number.