Am I the only one...

    ... who finds this

      ... Canada Day Flag

        ... offensive ?

Looking around the city for items to celebrate Canada Day, I was shocked by this store display.

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CTV NewsNet

Absolutely offensive. 
I'm Russ from Halifax and I think the Flag is the TRUE story of what is really happening in the America's.
Yes, I find the hybrid flag to be a gross attack on our Canadian history and heritage. God help us the day we become more American than Canadian in our thoughts and ways of life. About time we started becoming Canadian, Lets hear more for our flag. {The real Maple Leaf flag}
I think it is disturbing flag, i have a large Canadian flag waving on my roof in Sask., I would never put this thing call a half flag. Shame on the people who dreammed this thing. Great site and thank you or merci .
My wife and I just saw that ridiculous flag on the news. It's an absolute abomination. The only thing I find truly offensive (aside from the act of desecrating our flag) is the fact that they merged it with an American flag. I think the wavy design between the two flags is cheesy. Also, having such an affiliation with the American flag could never do us much good. For example, when backpackers go across Europe, Canadians wear little flag badges on their backpacks, because we sound American, we don't want to be confused with and thought of as Americans. No one really likes Americans. Now, I could go on forever, but I won't. Please burn that filthy flag, or, at least cut out the Canadian portion and make a match for it so you can have a complete Canadian flag and then burn the rag that is the American portion, or take it to the cottage and put it in the outhouse.
Long Live Canada... We Rock
As a retired Canadian soldier, I'm appalled. That so called "flag" is an abomination, and a slap in the face to those of us who consider ourselves very very different from Americans. A lot of the world ignorantly views us as "the same" as it is. This thing is just going to perpetuate the misconception. That flag may mean botherhood to someone but it is a total insult to me. I don't value anything about "the american way of life." They are an offence to the world with their pushy, selfish and egotistical ways. Their past has shown that they do not follow through on agreements and kill anyone that stands in the way of their greed. And they haven't changed much in two hundred years. Keep Canada separate from them in as many ways as possible. We are not Americans and our flag should not be desecrated in this way Canadas flag represents peace to the world while the US flag represents "War or aggression" I would like to know who made this and why. I would not buy this flag for any other reason than to find out who made it so I could call and voice my total disdain. Is this a joke to manufacture this item you must do it in China or some where how many did they make.
I absolutely find this flag offensive. Why is it that just because we happen to be the closest neighbor to America that we are supposed to be such great friends? We are a completely different nation with separate laws, morals and values. I know I live in the greatest nation in the world and hope I never see the day that the world considers Canada and the USA one and the same
I just saw your interview on television and I am apolled. Not at the flag but the media in its attempt to gain air time on such a stupid issue. I mean look at any website or novelty store and you can find the Canadian flag in many formats such as the maple leaf being substituted for happy faces, sex scenes to even a marijuana leaf. So to make a headline to show that the Canadian flag is paired up with an American flag should, at the least, be flattering. We as true Canadians are whomever we want to be. A flag does not distinguish who we are or how others see us. As this site pronounces itself, we are the heritage, and if you look far enough and, if you are so gifted, into the future, the Americans have played a part in our history for many many years. So please, if you think this flag is disturbing....Get a, I hope, that includes America. We are neighbours, and have been so for centuries, so love thy neighbour, don't dis them. We may need to rely on them in the future. Signed
A True Canadian
I'm from Ontario and have seen these flags several times. I find them highly offensive. If they are not illegal they should be.
I agree. I think the "flag" is offensive to all Canadians.
As someone with duel citizenship, I find this flag is just the answer to satisfy my citizenship. Where can I buy one?
As a grandson of a soldier who fought in both World Wars, as well as being a former soldier myself, I am offended that our flag has been treated in this way.
I'll bet the flags were commissioned by immigrants and made in Hong Kong.
A proud Canadian
I am more concerned about government corruption than this flag flap. Give me a Canada I can be proud of first.
Happy Canada Day!
I agree.
Fly them together but never merge them.
This is as offensive as flag shorts.
Offensive? Yes, but then very true. Our standard of living is totally dependent on the US. They control our economy and our defence.
I've always said that Free Trade was a great idea. We just signed the deal with the wrong group. Canada should have joined the European Union.
I was born & raised in Windsor, Ontario and at this time of the year, WIndsor & Detroit, Michigan celebrate Canada Day & Independence Day (4th of July) with the Freedom Festival: it's usually a week-long festival. Although I no longer live in Windsor, I remember how much fun it was to celebrate both of these holidays with our American friends.
Having served in the military for 20 years (now retired) & being a very patriotic & proud Canadian, I served in several places around the world with the U.S. military. I have absolutely no problem with a combination Canadian/American flag at this time.

If this flag were to be used in a different context where it insulted our heritage, I would strongly object to it. But during this time when both countries are celebrating their independence, I have absolutely no problem with it. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that there are probably several versions of it flying in Windsor & Detroit at this time.
I am new to Canada... having chosen to make Canada my new home.

I was shocked to see this flag on CTV this morning. I don't want to live in the USA, and a flag like that scares me into believing that Canada is moving towards becoming a US state.

Shame on those who produced this flag!

This Flag should be adopted for the Great Canadian states of America, one federated country governed from Washington.

Whom we are kidding now by calling our Canada's name high when we constanly live with the fear of sepeartions of few provinces that our constitution does not prohibit them from splitting apart. ? until when this Canada stays the same? sooner or later it will split. So, the remedy is to start a movement to UNITE this land to the UNITEd states of America and enjoys what their Founders have placed for a constitution.

The unification will eliminate the crossborder burden that face our exports, because our products will be Americans and no more Red tape for export of Beef, Lumber, Swine, Miinerlas and and and

Long live Canada
This is Canada Day, 2005. I was shocked when I saw the flag that you found in your dollar store. I totally disagree with this type of thing. I wouldn't want the U.S. to think that they can come up here and take us over. They tried this during the War of 1812 and I'm sure that we wouldn't want Brock to have died for nothing.
I'm sorry to see that someone has put a new spin on what everyone has been talking about for years. "The US is taking over Canada"

I believe we can fly our separate flags next to each other but not on one. 

Well I must say that the flag itself is kind of nice looking IF we had joined the United States, but I must say it is not very patriotic. Our flag is special, let's not tinker with it, it is beautiful and depicts our heritage and should give us a sense of pride for what it stands for. Long live CANADA.
I just saw you on the TV with Mike Duffy.

We have one of those flags in our front garden. I think they are neat.

We got our from the Canadian Legion # 51, which I belong to.

Every May long weekend we have a pilgrimage of the 40 & 8 with the American Legions from all over the U.S.A. Thus the reason for the flag.
My son is the convenor of the 40 & 8 and he just told me he has had many orders for them to send to the U.S.A. so they are using them as well.

The 40 & 8 was from the first world war . Over in France the train car would either carry 40 men or 8 horse. This was the 68th year for the pilgrimage. Our legion is the host and one from over in Niagara Falls, N.Y. is the American one. Each year a different state comes up as well as others and participates.

We live in the country so haven't had anyone say anything about our flag yet.

That flag has been around for quite a while . Myself I see nothing wrong with it , Its not a official flag and do not consider it desecration showing the two half's of the flags as one I think that we have so many other problems, that it is rather silly to get hot under the collar over this
Lets put it this way If you find it offensive don't buy it But I would think that a lot of people living along the border would enjoy it

Wonder what or American friends think about this flag ?
Personally I will be burning the Flag today. Why? Because I find Canada an offensive disgusting place. Hopefully Albertan's wake up and go Independent. The maple leaf flag represents sodomite, pedophilia, and high taxes. It has also become the symbol of the Liberal Party of Canada a bunch of pirates, crooks and an illegal government. Canada is the most undemocratic country in the west.
Well at least we have 50% of the flag....

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