The palm nut on the right is whole while some of the seeds have been dug out of the palm nut on the left

Tagua, also known as vegetable ivory, is the seed of a native palm tree from the humid, coastal forests of Ecuador. The mature tagua seed is very hard and resembles the finest animal ivory. This "palm ivory" is skillfully hand carved by traditional artisans into an array of unique and beautiful creations.

Because of its close resemblance to animal ivory the nut of the tagua palm has had a long history as a useful product .  Before the invention of plastics tagua was used in the making of buttons and other common items such as jewelry, dice, chess pieces and cane handles.  In fact, some expensive "ivory" pieces from the Victorian era were actually made from tagua nuts. 
We had the opportunity to watch as a nut was turned into a vase.
Tagua products are experiencing a comeback in an effort to protect endangered species such as elephants, whales and walruses that have been a source of animal ivory .  In one year a tagua palm produces the same amount of "ivory" as one female elephant.  The tagua nuts, however, are harvested by hand without harming the tree. 

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