The students had compiled a special newspaper on the history of the North West Mounted Police and landmarks they had visited.

 Many people along the way signed our paper.

They included:

Jean Champigney - Willow Bunch, Saskatchewan

Constable R.A. Fleming, RCMP Torquay, Saskatchewan Detatchment,

Dan & Agnes Lewis, Emerson, Manitoba

Mr & Mrs. Clarence john, Roche Percee, Saskatchewan

John Waldner, Mayfair Hutterite colony, Manitoba

Reg Sanderson, Souris, Manitoba

Mayor R. Frazer, Elcott, Saskatchewan

Betty Coldwell, Ongre Memorial Regional Park, Saskatchewan

Ed McCann, Regina RCMP Museum, Saskatchewan

Paul Currie, Torquay, Saskatchewan

Stanley Durr, Bromhead, Saskatchewan

Mayor Ida Petteson, Estevan, Saskatchewan

R. Tepple, West Poplar, Saskatchewan (Customs Officer)

Jean Swihart, Fort Macleod, Alberta

Malcolm Wake, Curator, RCMP Museum, Regina, Saskatchewan

Alex & Dolores Gold, Maple Creek, Saskatchewan

Dale & Penny Bent (Dale was the grandson of Bugler Bagley)

Vern Britton, Killarney, Manitoba

Mayor George Buzunis, Fort Macleod, Alberta

Reeve Jerome Ordahl, Souris Valley #7 Manitoba

There are a number of other signature too difficult to read after 25 years.

Students Filming the 1874 NWMP Trek West

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