As you can see this became an important river junction in the early west.
John Jacob Astor's American Fur Company built Fort Union Trading Post in 1828 near the junction of the Missouri and Yellowstone rivers.The post soon became headquarters for trading bison hides and other furs with the Assiniboin Indians to the north, the Crow Indians on the upper Yellowstone and the Blackfeet who lived farther up the Missouri.
Built in 1866 to quell Indian disturbances and supervise peaceful reservation settlement, Fort Buford made headlines when the famous Sioux warrior, Sitting Bull, surrendered here in 1881 after his return from Canada. Artifacts from that event are found in the museum, once the Fort Buford officers' quarters.
Credits: Map - Along the Trail with Lewis and Clark - Montana Magazine, Fort Union - Fort Union Muzzle Loaders Association

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