1929 - 1950
1950 - 1951
Lethbridge Junior High
1951 - Present

The LCI-Hamilton Quiz

70 Years - 70 Faces

Rumour has it this old school may soon be gone. Since the building is full of memories for me and maybe you, why not talk to those family members and friends who were here and see if you can identify the changing faces. (Surname as it would have appeared in the yearbook)

You can email us hrc@ourheritage.net as often as you like with names for each number. We'll keep a tally and once you have all 70 correct we'll send you a free copy of 10 Years of Trek. This was Hamilton Junior High's living history program which was the inspiration for much of what is found on this website. Come now - join in the fun.

LCI-Hamilton Quiz 1-5

LCI-Hamilton Quiz 6-10

LCI-Hamilton Quiz 11-15

LCI-Hamilton Quiz 16-20

LCI-Hamilton Quiz 21-25

LCI-Hamilton Quiz 26-30

LCI-Hamilton Quiz 31-35

LCI-Hamilton Quiz 36-40

LCI-Hamilton Quiz 41-45

LCI-Hamilton Quiz 46-50

LCI-Hamilton Quiz 51-55

LCI-Hamilton Quiz 56-60

LCI-Hamilton Quiz 61-65

LCI-Hamilton Quiz 66-70

Have you seen the 1985 LCI Reunion page?

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