A' - ÁaAh - AnÁó - AyH - IKá - KiKo - KsMNaNiNoOPST
Sorting: Blackfoot English
Turnip Hill (Elevation)
Here, take it
May he or she grow from the experience
Make The Bed!
New Cold/ a.k.a. New Year
The Nights Are Not Long Anymore
I Don't Enjoy The Way I'm Thinking
I Don't Enjoy Negative Thinking
I don't disagree (with what you've said)
He Doesn't Even Have Any Teeth/ He's Toothless
There Wasn't A Sound
I Didn't Think About It
I'm Unable To Sleep
Those without any ceremonial transfers
He or she does not stay here
They do not stay here
People eater
Frog moon (Apr-May moon)
Mallard duck
Horned lark
Don't Yell Anymore!
Don't make a mistake
The mountains, there's still snow
Move your legs back (out of the way)
Glenwood, Alberta (Wooded Community)
The trees are leafing out
Long-night moon (Dec-Jan moon)
Take Care Of It Right Away, Don't Delay
Coulee-Latrine (coulee where people use the washroom)
Calgary, Alberta (Elbow)
Stomach (non-particular)
Spring Snow
Shoulder as unit
Here's sugar
Here's some tobacco
Results: 77