A' - ÁaAh - AnÁó - AyH - IKá - KiKo - KsMNaNiNoOPST
Sorting: Blackfoot English
Really? Oh yeah?
Wears Red Feather In His Hair
A Little Bit, Somewhat
Toilet paper
We Arrived Home Safely And Joyously
May We Get Green Stains On Our Shoes (from the new grass)
We Have Arrived Well To The Winter Sacred Day
He is going to her with gifts to ask forgiveness
He Or She Baked Them
It snowed
The Source Of Our Proud Attitude And Behavior Is...
It's very powerful or sacred
Tastes good
The ground is very dry
It's too hot, I'm not going outside
It chinooked
The Weather Got Really Bad
It Sharp-Tooth Snowed
He or she is being very difficult to deal with
It's very good that we've all come
Very good to see you
The (Winter) Weather Has Shifted And It's Now Warm
Because It's Really Foggy, I'm Unable To See The Porcupine Hills
It's Very Messy
It's Dangerously Cold, It Made My Nipples Really Hard
It's A Dangerously Cold Morning
Redwing blackbird
Almost perfect
Banana (or shin-bone marrow)
It was a mistake
There Was A Rustling Sound
Office (where we write)
Cupboard for dishes
There's Always Tomorrow
He or she stays there
They stay there
When cold weather arrives (Oct-Nov moon)
Hard Wind Old Man
Speak slowly
Animal (travels on the ground)
Announce It!
Turning A Sharp Corner
Put it back
The Snow Geese Are Migrating South
Sagebrush meadow in forested floodplain
Results: 57