A' - ÁaAh - AnÁó - AyH - IKá - KiKo - KsMNaNiNoOPST
Sorting: Blackfoot English
Hey, get ready
He or she talks habitually
Show me how (demonstrate it)
Saskatoons are about to flower out
What's Happening?
What Is He/ She Doing?
What is he or she doing?
Respect (for life)
She Is Fluttering/ Blinking Her Eyes
Pop or beer (any carbonated beverage)
Knitted sweater
Knitted hat (toque)
He Is Winking
Writing On Stone
Slurper (dinosaur from Katoyiss story)
They're Talking To Each Other
come here (closer, walk over)
The Ground Is Thawing
Sacred place (place with living presence)
Fort MacLeod
The Leaves Are Out
Many Berries (old Ft. Whoop Up area)
She Picked At Her Food Like A Bird
He or she came in
They Have Returned Home (referring to the migrating birds)
It has started chinooking
The Snow Has Arrived
Cardston, Alberta (Many wives)
The leaves are going to start emerging
The rivers have begun to melt
The thaw is underway
The Birds Are Beginning To Flock
The magpies have begun building their nests
The Days Are Getting Longer Again
Beaver-chewed stick
It's right here
Here's a Pendleton, wear it (for your ceremonies)
That's the way it should be
Those Who Run Long-Distance In The Coulees Will Enjoy Good Health
There's your ears, ie use your ears and pay attention
Results: 51