Distributed Stations
<Insert Max Concurrent Usage graph (day of the week)>
  Unique Users Logins Total Usage (hours) Avg Duration (hours) Stations Used (Total: 91)[1]
January[2] 462 1953 1406 0.72 89
February 445 1801 1705 0.95 90
March 544 3091 2865 0.93 90
April 334 1463 1330 0.91 86
Total 981 8308 7306 0.88 90

Duda, Bryson:
Number of unique stations that have been used at least once.
Total stations: 91 (85 distributed + 6 multimedia)
Duda, Bryson:
As of Jan. 2023, administrator accounts have been filtered out and only sessions lasting less than 16 hours are included.