Digital Collections
  New Items Added[1] New Titles Added[2] # of Visits
Alberta Archaeological Review     137
Alberta Horticultural Research Centre Herbarium     52
Blackfoot Digital Library 28 28 7453
Bruce Haig Collection     7926
Building Refuge Oral History Project     25
Castle and Castle Wildland Provincial Parks Herbarium     12
Coutts Centre for Western Canadian Heritage Digital Collection     18
Coyote Flats Oral History     124
Dr. Robert Lampard Postcard Collection     35
Lethbridge Herald (1905-1947)     1320
Lethbridge Herald (1948-1961)     831
Lethbridge Historical Society     397
Lethbridge Landmarks City Photo Collection     1837
Nicholas de Grandmaison     226
Nicholas de Grandmaison Oral History Project     109
Oldman River Regional Services Commission     55
Picture Butte Scrapbook Collection     1301
Southern Alberta Aerial Photographs     498
Southern Alberta Community News Collection     740
Southern Alberta Newspaper Collection     7236
University of Lethbridge Campus Building Collection     273
University of Lethbridge Herbarium     558
University of Lethbridge Numeric Data     0
University of Lethbridge Publications 1 1 1245
University of Lethbridge Spatial Data     799
Waterton Lakes National Park Geological Collection     55
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge Research Center Photo Collection [Complete] [Complete] 117
Alberta Parks - Southern Region Herbarium [Complete] [Complete] 14
Canadian Gaming News [Complete] [Complete] 6
Cardston Alberta Temple Archives [Complete] [Complete] 1004
Carlton R. Stewart Slide Collection [Complete] [Complete] 187
Galt Museum and Archives [Complete] [Complete] 123
Lake Louise, Yoho and Kootenay National Parks Herbarium [Complete] [Complete] 2
Lethbridge Cenotaph Collection [Complete] [Complete] 223
Lethbridge College Collection [Complete] [Complete] 382
Magee Photograph Collection [Complete] [Complete] 107
University of Lethbridge First Generation Oral History Project [Complete] [Complete] 19
Waterton Lakes National Park Herbarium [Complete] [Complete] 11
Waterton Lakes Oral History Project [Complete] [Complete] 29
All collections  29 29 35486
Spatial and Numeric dataset downloads Downloads by user type
Graduate Students  
Library Staff  
Undergraduates 11
Total 11
Spatial and Numeric dataset downloads Downloads by dataset source
Geode 4
City of Lethbridge 7
Total 11

Duda, Bryson:
For compound objects, CONTENTdm counts each individual part of the object as an item
Duda, Bryson:
Due to a bug in CONTENTdm, the number of titles reported this semester may be off by up to 5%